Thursday, June 17, 2010


Tomorrow, MORRIS is having our first ever FedEx day. Inspired by Daniel Pink’s book Drive, FedEx Day can be described as a day of creation, where you start with an idea that intrinsically motivates you, and you make that idea a reality by the end of the day. Thus the FedEx reference—deliver in a day.

I’m particularly excited about the opportunity, because not only do I relate to and LOVE Daniel Pink’s philosophies, I’m stoked to have the opportunity to create something. And I’m stoked for two reasons.

First, I’ve always considered myself a good left/right brain combination. Lately, my work has been skewed towards the left and it’s been FOREVA since I drew something. I find that process to be cathartic and my idea, well, I think it’s kinda cool and ultimately, it could become a product for MORRIS, which I’m all about too. Anything innovative sparks passion in me.

Second, how lucky am I to work for an agency where our head honcho is willing to shut down for a day and allow us to do something we’re passionate about? I know it’s cliché, but I truly do count my blessings when it comes to my employment. Not only because the leadership at MORRIS was resourceful enough to keep us afloat during tough economic times, but also because I can’t remember a time or a job where I have learned so much, both personally and professionally. It’s because of the environment and the LACK of direction my boss, Steve Morris, has provided, that has enabled me to be self-directed and grow so much.

So, while I’m not at liberty to discuss my project—yet—let’s just say IGTR!

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